Sunday, January 20, 2008

No Corn Syrup Please!

First some background information about us. Our names are Wayne and Olya Shepard. We currently live in Arizona with our three little dogs.

Tobi is a 13 year old Pekingese. He is a little grumpy at times but as long as thing go his way he is a pleasure to live with. We adopted him 5 years ago.

Timmy is a terrier mix who is approximately 5 years old. He is kind of stupid and does things that make everyone mad. We adopted him in 2005 in Las Vegas.

Henry is a 3 year old Pekingese. He was adopted December 5, 2005 in Tucson, AZ. He, along with 66 of his brothers and sisters, were taken from his original owner who was a hoarder.

In late 2006 , Olya received a copy of the book, "Ultrametabolism" by Dr. Mark Hyman. After reading it cover to cover several times, we decided to put this information into action. It was at this time that we cut processed food from our diet. If it had corn syrup as an ingredient it didn't belong in our bodies. That's not the only thing we gave up, but it was a great beginning.

After honing our cooking skills during the last year, we have both become quite proficient in the kitchen. Our goal is to show the world what great meal we are preparing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cute little puppy.

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